Saturday, May 28, 2005

Vienna-Budapest Supermarathon

This might be an intersting event for those, who wish to combine their
visit to 2 interesting European capitals with some serious ultra-running!

Vienna-Budapest Supermarathon

19-10-2005 Vienna - Sopron 93 km
20-10-2005 Sopron - Gyor 116 km
21-10-2005 Gyor - Tata 61 km
22-10-2005 Tata - Budakeszi 60 km
23-10-2005 Budakeszi - Budapest 21 km

In the past the 1st prize used to be a new car and over the years Janos
Bogar won enough cars to start a car-outlet, :-)))))

Contact info:
Becs-Budapest Szupermarathon Szervezobizottsaga
Steindl Imre u. 12
1054 Budapest
Tel./Fax: 00-36/1/312-88-92

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